Well...it is now 9:00 and we are up to a whopping 248 times I have been called some form of Mother! I am not kidding, people. Is it any wonder I get irritated?!
The good news is that 3 out of 4 are on the way to bed, so there will probably only be a dozen or so more from Rachel!
over the years I have threatened to change my name many times, even going for long stretches of not responding to it, after telling them that I HAVE changed it (and I won't tell them what I've changed it to.)
My morning went something like, "Hey, "A" (uses the Turkish form of Mommy)...I'm just going to...um...hey, "A"? I, I, I...Hey, "A"? "Yes?" "I love you. And, hey, "A"?"...
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