Thursday, February 7, 2008

Science Center

Yesterday we had a field trip to the Long Island Science Center right her in town (which I always think is a riot--such a grand name for a very small science center! But they do run nice programs.) It was truly an historical field trip for us. All four children were in the program! I was left by myself to chat with the other moms while all of my kids went in and learned about chocolate! It was really so nice.

On the way there, I told the kids that I wasn't sure if the program would be all ages together or split into different age groups, but whoever was with Emma needed to keep an eye on her, to help redirect her if her attention flagged, to help her follow directions, and to make sure she wasn't talking or interrupting. We arrived a bit early, so the kids were allowed to look around the museum and play. When the teacher came out and called the kids into the program room, Ben took Emma's hand and led her inside. It was so sweet to watch, and I knew I didn't have to worry about Emma if Ben was going to be her protector!


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