Today was the day that I dread and look forward to---packing up all the Christmas ornaments and chucking the tree to the curb. On the one hand, Christmas is wonderful and the decorations are beautiful and we look forward to seeing them every year. Also, once everything is put away, it is truly winter, and all there is to look forward to is weeks more of cold and gray landscapes. (We'll ignore all the winter birthdays we look forward to, and Valentine's day, and the odd warm day that revives us, and going ice skating, and hoping for snow storms, etc. I'm making a point here!)
However, it is very cleansing to put all those things back! There's so much more room, even when you consider all the new toys and clothes that have to find a place. The rooms become easier to dust with all those extra candles, knick knacks, Christmas cups, mugs, tins, bowls, wreaths, etc. out of the way. Not to mention the tree, because while it is beautiful and smells nice and brings cheer with its lights--it also takes up room, drops needles on the floor, needs watering, and is a constant temptation to kids and cats to play with ornaments from it!
So now that everything is back in Rubbermaid boxes in the basement and the tree waits forlornly for the garbage men, I am satisfied. By the time December comes back, I will be ready to see those things again. For now, I say, the sooner winter continues, the sooner spring will come.
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