Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ben & Emma, Snuggle Buddies

Last night I got home around 9:30 pm from my monthly coffee and writing date with my friend, Sue. Sometimes when I come home, Emma is still awake--usually watching a Disney movie with Rachel. Other times she allows either Matt or Rachel to put her down. So I always come in quietly, in case she's asleep. Rachel met me at the door, so of course I asked her if Emma was down yet.

"She's been down for more than an hour--she went to bed with Ben," she informed me.

When we went to NYC, Emma had said she was going to sleep with Ben, and one night several weeks ago, she actually did sleep in his bed, till around midnight. So it didn't take me completely by surprise.

What did was that they slept together all night, and this morning Emma said she was going to sleep with Ben every night--and he agreed to it!

"Emma's a good snuggling buddy, Mom," he confided in me later. "She kept me nice and warm!"

So maybe Julia will get to move into her own room (down here, Emma's room) sooner than we thought!


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