Yesterday at around 5 in the afternoon my phone rang. I was somewhat surprised to see my brother's name on Caller ID. My family, although we all get along like crazy and love to see each other in person, is not especially good with phone calls. Especially now that everyone uses email. I answered, of course, thinking that the call would have something to do with Christmas.
I was absolutely floored when David told me that my niece, Emily, (his eldest daughter), had given birth to a baby boy at 12:35 am! The biggest reason I was so surprised is that she wasn't due until February 6! A lesser surprise was that it was a boy...we have so many girls in the family that when a boy is born it takes a moment to process it.
So a hearty congratulations to Emily, John, and big sister Ella! Baby boy weighed in at an impressive 4 lbs. 1 oz. and is 17.5 inches, which is an excellent prognosis for such an early babe. We can't wait to find out what his name will be, and to see the whole family in person. The worst news is that we will miss them terribly at Christmas for our huge family gathering; baby will be in the hospital for an estimated three weeks, and I'm sure even if he gets sprung earlier they won't want to make the trip. We are so sad about that, but so happy to have a new baby in our family!
Thank you:) I am totally dying to tell you his birth story:)
I wish I could be there to see him...D-X
But I guess I'll see him Next October at Pheebs' wedding ^^
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