Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Firsts of 2009

I thought it would be interesting to post about the first things I did in the new year---and whether or not it's actually interesting, here goes!

First child to come cuddle with me and say good morning: Ben

First cup of coffee: 10:45 am, made by Matt

First music listened to: Carole King's Tapestry album

First food eaten: homemade blueberry scones, also made by Matt

First book read: "Twilight"--not that I finished it, just a continuation.

First household chore: changed the sheets and threw them in the washer.

First activity with kids: colored the January page of the fairy calendar we got from Nan and Michael with Emma

First board game: Played Battleship with Ben

First phone call: Spoke to Trisha for about 40 minutes about this and that

First email sent: to Julie about dinner plans this Sunday

First Facebook application: received a hug from Cheryl

First Writing Project: wrote an article on time management for the homeschoolers' e-paper

First car trip: this was Matt, since I haven't stepped out of the house yet this year (haha) but he drove to Trisha's to pick Rachel up from her sleepover.

First dinner: cheese fondue that I made, with bread made by Matt and a green salad. YUM!

First movie: Matt and I will be watching "Room 314," which we got from Netflix, tonight. It is similar in plot to "Plaza Suite," (stories about different couples staying in a hotel room) but it isn't a comedy--it is either dark or ADULT, since it was listed as a "mature" look at relationships....wish us luck!

All in all, it has been a lovely start to a new year....I hope your day has been great, too!


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