Over the past two days, Julia has created a new game that I adore...it's called Inn. She pretends that she is a maid at a hotel, and she cleans. Everything. Dishes, mops floors, cleans the bathroom, rearranges cabinets and drawers, makes beds, runs the vacuum, dusts, picks up toys, neatens bookshelves, takes out recycling, feeds animals, scoops the kitty litter, empties wastebaskets, changes towels and tablecloths, collects laundry...she had Ben and Emma immersed in the game this morning, so much so that they were asking me what other chores needed to be done!
If that is not the best game ever, I don't know what would qualify!
Does she hire out?
I would be very uncomfortable with that game. What would I do with myself, twiddle my thumbs?
She may hire out, Kelly--but I think Okinawa might be a LITTLE much of a commute.....
Nan--personally, any time anybody wants to clean something for me, I wouldn't care what I'd do with myself! I'd twiddle my thumbs all day if need be! :)
Please have her play this game with Evelyn at my house!
exactly! I actually asked the kids when they planned to play it again this morning! :)
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