Ben wrote a book today. And I thought it was great so I decided to share with you. I am going to type it in verbatim so you can appreciate the phonetic spelling and will then put the English translation in. Enjoy!
The 19 Battels...Book 1
by Ben Eager
Ones apon a time, theyr was a elf and a wizerd and a man. But they new thot they had to defeet evel. So one day they set off to defeet evel!
Chapter 2 the gerny begens!
Now theyr are 19 battels. 18 of them have bin won. 1 remanes.
Now wen they came to the gates of a cave the gates wer glowing. Theyr was a line of stars and theyr was a moon in the mitel.
Chapter 3 Loosing a comrad. The wizerd tride a spell on the gate to make it open, but it wood not werke. But it was elven. So the elf told it to open in elven. It werkt. Wen they enterd the wizerd got shot with a dart. But the men got the orce.
Chapter 4 up to one!
They wer out. One of the men got shot with arows! But then the other man stabt it! Then the man went over to the other man. He was daed!
Now...just in case you don't speak 6-year-old boy, I'm going to put it into English. If you understood everything he said--kudos to you!
The 19 Battles...Book 1
by Ben Eager
Once upon a time there was an elf and a wizard and a man. But they knew that they had to defeat evil. So one day they set off to defeat evil!
Chapter 2 The journey begins!
Now there are 19 battles. 18 of them have been won. One remains.
Now when they came to the gates of a cave the gates were glowing. There was a line of stars and a moon in the middle.
Chapter 3 Losing a comrade.
The wizard tried a spell on the gate to make it open but it would not work. But it was elven. So the elf told it to open in elven. It worked. When they entered the wizard got shot with a dart. But the man got the orc.
Chapter 4 Up to one!
They were out. One of the men got shot with arrows! But the other man stabbed it! Then the man went over to the other man. He was dead!
Of course, you are missing out on the illustrations because I'm not quite sure how to use the scanner. But trust me, he worked for over an hour on this project today. They're pretty good, especially the stabbing the way, I have no idea if this story is original to him or if he stole it from "The Lord of the Rings" or some story like that. I take no responsibility for his crimes if he did something of that sort!
Sounds a little like Lord of the Rings...Especially the gate to the elven world and the wizard dying...
But it was a good book. Go Ben!
I didn't read the whole post, apparently...haha.
after Matt read the story, he said, "Oh, yeah! He TOTALLY stole this from the Lord of the Rings!"
Honestly, the orcs and the elves gave me a hint that he did--but although I read the books and saw the movies, I didn't retain much about them! I thought they might have inspired him.....these are the kinds of games he plays.
I think it's great that Ben wrote his thoughts as they were, even though he wasn't aware how to spell all of the words. I did understand him, but that's because I've had a lot of practice with six year old boy speak!
You could take pix of the illustrations.
Great story, and I'm fluent in 6 year old English.
Super cool! And if David read it he would tell you that some of that is Kelly spelling, not just 6 year old boy spelling.
He keeps wanting to know when Collin will teach me how to spell. As well as when I'm going to use his 1st grade handwriting book!
I was kinda looking forward to reading about 19 battles, and not just the one...x/
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