Thursday, August 14, 2008

Books Ordered!

In a burst of industriousness last night, I finished up ordering books, which included finding a math program I liked for Julia. I did end up ordering from Rainbow Resources, because there were certain books I wanted that I couldn't find elsewhere, couldn't find for a better price, or had such a generic name that searches for the book was like hunting a needle in a haystack. (Good examples: Julia's reading comprehension book is called "Amazing Animals," and I got a workbook for Rachel entitled "Shakespeare.") However, I did end up spending a lot less by hunting around for bargains than if I'd just ordered from Rainbow...something on the order of $200 in savings.

So my house will be Package Central in the next week or two. The Post Office and UPS are going to wonder if I'm starting a home business or something....there will be twenty one packages arriving in total! I love getting mail.



j-m said...

I am so jealous! I miss when my chickens were all still in the nest...I loved all that planning part of homeschooling.

Hey...have you checked out 5 Kids Teacher Supply's closing sales? Anything good? I have to get over there and see if anything's left.

Mom of 3 said...

I got one IHIP done...3 days late. I can't do K3's because I don;t have his books...perhaps I should spend more time with you. You industrious woman you!