Monday, April 14, 2008

A Productive Weekend

This weekend was unbelievably busy. We thought Saturday was going to be the worst day--it was supposed to be Little League Opening Day, where the kids get to parade in uniform and get applauded and cheered by their families, followed by Rachel's first game. We also were supposed to have a Brownie meeting for Julia--a nature hike through the woods at Indian Island. Well, that morning the phone calls began. Everything was canceled because of possible showers in the afternoon. Meanwhile, it was a splendid day--nearly 70 degrees, with sun and clouds. We did have a bit of rain and even heard some thunder, but it wasn't bad, and I spent the late morning to mid afternoon taking care of the dreaded Clothes Switcheroo. You know, where I reorganize the kids' drawers and closets, drag spring and summer clothes from the attic, and decide whether to keep clothes for next fall (i.e., the kid will still fit into this, so it goes in this box), save them for the next girl down, save them to give to friends/family with younger kids, or decide that it should go into the rag bag or be donated away. I also did my own drawers and closet, including shoes.

By the time I was done with that, we decided to head out to the yard for some outside work. Matt had agreed to dig up some tiger lilies I want out of the perennial garden so that I can plant more colorful varieties. While he did that, I decided to clean up the shed and the garage, which over the winter had become a complete and utter mess of things we weren't using. It was so cluttered that walking through was difficult. I decluttered, repositioned, swept, and got rid of things--such as the Little Tykes turtle sand box/wading pool that has served us well for many years, but now that we have a sprinkler system we really don't use anymore. The kids were upset to see it at the curb, but I convinced them all that they are too big for it. We also got rid of the gas lawn mower (we are using a push mower for exercise and to save the environment--and the kids love to use it, too!) and the washer and dryer from our old house that we've had stored since we moved because the ones here were better (and the dryer was gas powered, not electric!) These we put on freecycle and they were picked up right away, and the lawn mower was plucked from the curb also...
By the time we were done with all that, we went in for a quick, late dinner and were happy with our progress.

Sunday we went to the parade and Rachel's game--I left in the middle to drop Julia at our friend's house, who took her to the hike with the Brownies and then back home to play and have dinner. After Rachel's team won, 20-12, we came home and Ben and I went into the yard while Emma helped Matt make a fantastic dinner of steak and shrimp. Ben and I planted sunflowers around the A/C generator, wildflowers and a perennial mix in the perennial garden, geraniums in the front garden, pansies, marigolds, poppies and baby's breath in the window boxes (cross your fingers that they grow!), 3 orchid bulbs I got with my plant order, cosmos out by the pear tree and watered it all with Miracle Gro. Also raked out the garden (though I didn't have time to collect the leaves, so I left it in a large heap to be picked up later in the week...) Then after dinner I went grocery shopping and picked up Julia....

I still have tons of planting to do--climbing roses, dahlias, peonies, primroses, zinnias, sweet peas, the vegetables...also have to figure out how to fence off the veggie patch and make sure the mint and Montauk daisies I pulled out of the patch are truly gone, and decide whether I want to move the daffodils and irises that are in the veggie patch--I think I have to leave them there till fall, though. Also, I have to get netting for the blueberry bushes, rake out the winter debris from the bushes back and front...sigh. I still feel like I made a lot of progress over one short weekend.


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