Thursday, December 6, 2007

Being Neighborly

I took the kids out in the afternoon yesterday to do some Christmas shopping. I thought we might be able to find some gifts for Matt or family members, and the kids were excited to go. As we got in the van, we waved to Ron, our elderly neighbor's son (he's in his late 50's), who was working in his dad's yard. Ed has four children--his daughter Susie sold us our house and was best friends with the woman who grew up here--and Ron and Susie live close by and come over daily to help him with whatever he needs.

We came back from our shopping, and to my surprise--all the leaves that had been in our front yard were now in a neat pile in the gutter! I found Ron, still working in the yard. He said that he'd seen the town leaf truck go by on the next street earlier in the day, but since it didn't come to us he figured they'd be by tomorrow (today) and so he thought he'd help us out a bit.

I just thought that was the nicest thing I've seen in a long time. Yes, he has a leaf blower, so it didn't take him the two hours it wold have taken us to do the same job--but still, he didn't have to do that, which I said to him after thanking him profusely.

"No worries," he said to me. "You're doing a great job with all your kids, and if I can save you some work I'm going to do it. Besides, those cookies you gave me a couple of weeks ago were worth it!"

So nice!


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