Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ordering Materials for September

I finally got my order together to get the kids' curriculum for next school year. It's a fun job, I have to say, even though I keep wanting to put the brakes on summer so we never have to get to September again....I wanted to make sure to order early this year so that I can plan--last year with moving it was really hard to be organized and we started late. However, I found some really neat things that I'm excited to teach, and I did quite well even though I didn't shop around. My favorite homeschool catalogue, bar none, is Rainbow Resources. It's something like 1500 pages long, but the reason it's so long is because the family that runs the company reviews every product and really explains it. So I feel much more confident that it will fit our needs, and because they have so many choices I really feel like I'm narrowing down to the best possible one for each child.

Matt and I talked about trying to find the books individually, say through Amazon to get better prices, but really, who has time for that?? I'd end up getting sidetracked, maybe changing my mind, having it ship in 20 different boxes because Amazon uses so many suppliers, etc. And although Rainbow Resources espouses some ideals that I do not agree with whatsoever--evolution is a dirty word, your daughter should want nothing from her life except what some future husband wants for her, etc.---at least it's a family business so I like supporting that.

I got everything I need for Rachel, Julia and Ben for $380, free shipping. I will write about some of the curricula I chose at another time...too tired now. I have a date with a cup of decaf and my book, possibly with a foot rub later on when Matt is done talking to his Mom on the phone.....


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